English Version

English section

In this section, you will find some translation of scenarii. We firstly start with the OPJH 2019 tournament and the "hot-sixes" 2018 championship. For those who speak french, you can go to see the specific (and much more detailed) sections.

Do not hesitate to give us your opinion in the "livre d'or" section or add a commentary just below...

And now enjoy the battles with our scenarii. Gentlemen start your armies !!

OPJH 2019

Thanks to Moomer for the rules and 2 scenarii translation.

Opjh 2019 rulesOpjh 2019 rules (72.22 Ko)

Opjh 2019 s1 the train shall whistle thriceOpjh 2019 s1 the train shall whistle thrice (1.69 Mo)

Opjh 2019 s2 the race for the embarcaderoOpjh 2019 s2 the race for the embarcadero (2.19 Mo)

Hot-sixes 2018 championship

Thanks to Moomer for the 2 scenarii translation.

Hot sixes 2018 tournament s1Hot sixes 2018 tournament s1 (1.5 Mo)

Hot sixes 2018 tournament s2Hot sixes 2018 tournament s2 (2.1 Mo)


  • Guitho1974
    • 1. Guitho1974 Le 29/10/2019
    Hi Ivan,
    Thank you for your message and your support. We, the hot-sixes have only the files we share in trhis section. You can contact gduprez on the DPG website to have more information and details.
  • Ivan
    • 2. Ivan Le 29/09/2019

    Thank you for sharing the maps with the community. I have a few questions.

    1. Do you have large image files for 2018 maps suitable for printing (similar to 2019 maps)?

    2. I've been looking for a good quality image of this map to print but can't find it anywhere. Can you please share it if you have it?


    What about the scenario rules for this map?

    3. Do you have the rules of the scenario for the 2016 maps?

    - Countryside (2016)
    - City (2016)


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